Deuce AM Tour
Terms and Conditions

Assumption of Risk and Release from Liability: 

By becoming a member of The Deuce Tour or entering and playing in a Deuce Tour event, the participant understands and agrees that there are certain dangers involved with the participation in a golf tournament, including but not limited to being struck by lightning, getting hit by a golf club or golf ball, suffering from heat exhaustion, heart attack or injury from uneven terrain, for all such risks the participant assumes, solely accepts, and waives all claims of injury to body or property against The Deuce Tour. Furthermore, the participant agrees that while on the premises of a The Deuce Tour event, the participant, and any guest, relative or anyone else affiliated with participant, shall be present at their own risk and that Deuce shall not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages whatsoever to person or property of the participant or related person arising out of or in connection with the participation in the tournament or presence at the tournament. Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Deuce Tour and Sandy Birdie LLC from all claims by or liability to participant or affiliated person.

Tournament Registration

Tour players can register online for all Deuce Tour events at . Events may have a limited number of entries available. Therefore, each event will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Tour players are encouraged to register early, as any event may sell-out in advance of the entry deadline.

Payment Policy

It is the responsibility of the Deuce Tour player to submit the required entry fee for each tournament prior to the entry deadline, as payment will be the only means by which to secure a position in the tournament field. Entry fee payments should be made via the Deuce Tour website using a credit card, but may be paid by other means (i.e., Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, etc.) with the permission of the Tour Director(s). When your payment is received and registration is complete, an email confirmation along with a receipt will be sent to you.

Registration fees will be as follows for each event and type:

Registration Regular Playoff Major
Non-Member $ $ $
Member $ $ $
Member Early Bird $ $ $

*Registration fees for events are subject to change based on venue selection, pricing, and availability. The above pricing is meant to serve as guide only and not a committed price.

Deuce Tour Members will qualify for discounted registration fees (Member & Member Early Bird) as shown above. Early Bird registration is limited and subject to entry gift restrictions. Refer to each event’s Registration page for details. The additional Member Early Bird discount will be available to any Member completing their registration to an event 21 days prior to the originally scheduled date of the event for which they are registering until the designated number of spots are available. If a Member is not able to complete registration before the cutoff date of the Early Bird discount, the Member discount will apply up to the date of the event. 
By registering for any event, you are agreeing to these Rules and Guidelines.

Tour Flights

The following table depicts how players are assigned to their respective Tour flights based on their USGA Handicap Index. Final decisions on assigning Tour Players’ flights are solely at the discretion of Deuce Tour Director(s) after a full review of the players and their scores.

Flight Name Handicap Index
Championship < 5.9
Players 6.0 – 12.9
Weekenders  13.0 – 17.9
Breakfast Ballers  18 – 24.9

Player Flight Assignment & Re-Assignment

DeuceTour wants to ensure a competitive atmosphere at our events yet ensure fairness to all players. In order to achieve this, sometimes it is necessary to evaluate new players and those who compete throughout the season. If warranted, the Tour Director(s) will exercise discretion on player reassignments to flights for competition. The following are some common examples:

Bouncing Handicaps – At any time during the season a player improves their handicap index that qualifies them to move into the next flight, they will remain in that flight for the remainder of the season.

Consecutive Wins – If a player wins two consecutive events that they play in for the same flight to which they are assigned, that player will be reviewed and possibly moved up to the next flight for the remainder of the season or their handicap improves to move up yet another flight. Handicap and performance relative to the field will be taken into consideration.

New Players without Handicap-New players are initially flighted based upon their most current USGA® Handicap.  If a new player does not have a USGA® Handicap that player will be flighted based upon correspondence with Tournament Director, noting that strict measures will be in place for protection and integrity of the flight. 

Field and Flight Size-Field sizes and flight offerings may vary.  Senior Flights will be offered at all Regional Major Championships provided there are eight (8) or more players in the open flight and eight (8) or more players in the corresponding senior flight. 

Cancellations and No Shows 

If a Tour player who has registered for a tournament withdraws more than 7 days before the date of that Tour event, they will receive a credit for use in future Deuce Tour events. Withdrawal from any tournament must be done no later than 3 days before the date of the event. If a Tour player withdraws prior to the tournament, they are subject to a cancellation fee plus any additional fees or green fees from the hosting golf course. Any Tour player that has registered for an event and does not show to the event or fails to contact the Tour Supervisor on the day of the event will forfeit their registration fee and may have their player privileges revoked for future events. All withdrawals must be communicated to the Tour Director(s) by email or text. The timestamp of the communication of intent to withdraw will be used in consideration of any fees or credits depicted in the policy stated previously.

By Flights

Each flight will have a “Gross Score Champion”, except in Hackerish Flight which will be a “Net Score Champion, and there will also be an “Overall Net Score Champion”, for a total of six (6) champions per event. Depending on the number of players per flight for each event we will also recognize/award 2nd thru 5th place finishes in each flight accordingly with credits and/or other prizes at the Tournament Director(s) discretion. Tour Director(s) may at their discretion extend the number of prizes and/or their values should a flight’s number of players exceed the chart shown below:

Skins Game

An optional cash buy-in skins game will be offered at each event. $25 skin pot and $100 skin pot(all flights eligible for entry). Skins games will also be available for each flight as well. The game’s entry fee is cash only in addition to the event registration fee and will only be taken at the Check-In table on the day of the event. The lowest Gross Score per hole with a birdie (-1 to par) or better will qualify and be used to determine a winning skin for each flight. A winning player’s payout per skin will simply be the Flight’s pot value divided by number of Flight skins won in the event. If there are no winners, the pot(s) will carry over to the next event and continue to grow until a winner occurs or the Tour year ends. Any unclaimed prize money at year end will either be donated to a local charity or raffled in the form of gift cards and/or golf items to those who participated during the unclaimed period.


The Deuce Tour will use Gross Scores to determine the winners of each flight. Each Regular/Playoff (1 day) event will consist of 18 holes, while Major (2 day) events will consist of 36 holes. Gross score is defined to be the total amount of shots taken to finish the 18 holes per round. There is also an Overall Net Prize, in which every player on the field participates.

Ties for first place in each flight will be decided by sudden death playoff (unless the course or weather does not allow Tour players back on the course). All players in a sudden death playoff MUST be present in order to participate, or else they forfeit their tie. In the event of a tie for second place and other places, the winner will be decided by scorecards in the following order:

For Gross Prizes:

– Best (gross) back nine (9)
– Best (gross) last six holes (6)
– Best (gross) last three holes (3)
– Handicap hole #1 score, followed by handicap #2 score, and so on
– If a tie remains, a coin flip will decide 

For Net Prizes:  See below

Note: If the golf course or weather does not permit us to determine a Flight winner, Deuce Tour and the Tour Director(s)/Supervisor(s) can use the above method to determine the Flight Champion. 


Deuce Tour will have 3 sets of our own tournament tees from which players will play from. 

– Deuce Tour Black:  Champion and Albatross Flight
– Deuce Tour BLUE:  Eagle and Birdie Flight (plus Senior Champion/Albatross)      
– Deuce Tour WHITE: Par Flight (plus Senior Eagle/Birdie) Women under 8.0 index
– Course Red Tees: Women over 8.1 index

Each flight will play an average distance during the season, the breakdown will be as follows:

Championship6500 – 7200 
Players6500 – 7200
Weekenders6000 – 6500
Breakfast Ballers 6000 – 6500
Hackerish 5800 – 6500



Seniors who are of age 55 or older will be allowed the option to play ahead one set of tournament tees from their assigned handicap flight’s tees. Any NET scoring will be calculated according to the Course HCP from the tees being played. At no time will the most forward set of golf course tee boxes be allowed into tournament play for seniors. Age will be validated by a valid driver’s license.


Female players having a USGA HCP Index > 8.0 will be allowed the option to play from the RED tee markers, while those with a USGA HCP Index < 7.9 will play from TheGrint Tour’s WHITE tee markers. Any NET scoring will be calculated according to the Course HCP from the tees being played.


League/Deuce Cup Race

Deuce Tour Members will compete in a season long points Race for The Deuce Cup. There will be 10 events around the country for points toward the Race that ends at the Tour Championship in Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic. 

All Players must have an active membership in order to be eligible for year end prizes.

Event Information

During all Tour events the USGA Rules and Regulations will be adhered to, with the following exceptions: 

– GPS Rangefinder and Laser Rangefinder will be allowed 
– GPS with Slope editions will be permitted  
– One ball rule does not apply
– Course’s Local Rules apply. 

You will receive a Scorecard from one of your playing partners. You will keep their score and your score. At the end of your round, you must sign and turn in the score of your playing partner. Any changes must be made before turning in the Scorecard. So please make sure you review your scorecard before its turned in. Scorecards must be turned in at the same time.

Pace of Play

Being off pace (based on local rules) and having more than one (1) hole difference with the tournament playing group ahead of you (at any point during the round) may result in a 1 stroke penalty to each player in the group. After one (1) warning is issued, the following notice will result in the penalty. Warnings will be issued only during the groups’ first 9 holes. If a group is playing their last 9 holes, a warning may not be issued and the penalty can incur directly. To report slow play of a tournament group, email/text/phone the Tour Supervisor/Director(s).

Event Check-In

All registered Tour players MUST check in (in person) on premises of each event. There will be a Check-In table with visible signage to clearly identify the check in area. Players are encouraged to arrive at least 45 minutes before their tee time and report to their designated tee off hole at least 10 minutes before their assigned tee time.

Late Arrivals

If a registered Tour player reports to their first hole’s tee box after their playing grouping has completed their hole #1, the player will be disqualified from the event and not allowed to play. 

If a registered Tour player reports to their first hole’s tee box after their player grouping has teed off of their hole #1 (but not completed the hole), the player will be assessed a 2-stroke penalty. 

Starting Times/Assigned Holes

Tournaments will typically utilize shotgun starts (depending on the course and number of players). Pairings will be available on the Deuce Tour website prior to the event, as well as emailed to all registered tournament players. Pairings are subject to change at any time prior to the event. If an individual starting time has been changed, the Tournament Director(s) and/or Supervisor will notify that individual of the change via email, text, or phone.


If there is a disagreement during the course of play, a provisional ball must be played. Following the end of the round, the situation should be discussed with one of Deuce Tour Director(s) or the Tour Supervisor of the event. The Tour officials will make the final decision and reserve the right to confer with the golf course’s Head Professional. We ask that players accept the committee’s final decision. Tour Director(s) may revisit the decision after the event is over at their own discretion. However, the change will only affect Deuce Cup standings, and not individual event results. 

Shortened/Canceled Events

If a tournament is unable to be completed due to circumstances beyond the Tour committee’s control, a decision will be made according to how many holes the last group of a given flight finished, and base the results on those holes played.

In the event of inclement weather during a round, every effort will be made by the tournament committee to get in the full number of prescribed holes. If play is delayed, all players should remain on the property at the host facility and await official announcements from the tournament committee. If the delay comes during play, clearly mark their ball’s position on the course, return to safety at the clubhouse, and remain on premise for further instruction from the Tournament committee. 

By entering any Deuce Tour event, you are agreeing to be photographed or filmed while practicing, playing or participating in any stage of the event. Deuce Tour reserves the right to use these materials for media content creation. i.e., Social Media, informational purposes, marketing, and such.
Additional Event Info

Any additional event specific information will be published on the official event registration page of the Tour’s website.

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